Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Water-water heaters are used for heating water in heating networks, in heating systems and hot water supply systems of public, residential and industrial buildings and structures.

  • Water-water heaters. Technical specifications.

  • Steam-water heaters are used for heating water in heating, heating and hot water supply systems of municipal, public, industrial buildings operating according to the most common temperature control schedules 700C/1500C; 700C/1300C; 700C/950C.

  • PP1-9-0.7, PP1-17-0.7, PP1-24-0.7, PP1-32-0.7, PP1-53-0.7. Technical specifications.

  • Price list


    All Venta products

    The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Venta: radial fans, fans for smoke removal, axial fans, vibration isolators, industrial fans, heaters, heaters, air heaters, air heating units
    • Radial fans Venta
      Radial fans
      VC 4-75, VC 4-70, BP 80-70, etc.
    • Fans for smoke removal Venta
      Fans for smoke removal
      BP 80-75, VC 14-46, BP 85-66, etc.
    • Fans for electric locomotives Venta
      Fans for electric locomotives
      BPR, TED, etc.
    • Finned pipes Venta
      Finned pipes
      D 29, D 39, D 43, D 50, etc.
    • Air heaters Venta
      Air heaters
      KSk, GNP, AO2, etc.
    • Heaters  Venta
      PP1-9-0.7, PP1-17-0.7, etc.
    • Fans for nuclear power plants Venta
      Fans for nuclear power plants
      2nd grade, 3rd grade, etc.
    • Axial fans Venta
      Axial fans
      IN 12-303-5, IN 12-303-8, etc.
    • Roof fans Venta
      Roof fans
      WRC 4, WRC 5, WRC 6,3, etc.
    • Dust fans Venta
      Dust fans
      CPU 7-40-5, CPU 7-40-6,3, etc.
    • Industrial fans  Venta
      Industrial fans
      C9-55, CV-0.8-30, etc.
    • Vibration isolators and filters Venta
      Vibration isolators and filters
      UP TO 38-45 A, FY, etc.

    About Venta

    Venta Company (Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Tura) is the largest manufacturer of industrial equipment for ventilation and heating in the Urals and one of the largest in the Russian Federation.
    • production

      The main activities of Venta are the production of equipment for nuclear power plants and other enterprises of the nuclear industry, chemical and technological, heat exchange, capacitive equipment, as well as industrial equipment for ventilation and heating.

      Venta's technical capabilities allow us to manufacture parts and products of various design parameters from carbon and corrosion-resistant steels, alloys based on nickel, copper, aluminum, titanium, as well as non-metallic materials.
    • trials

      The company has a certified laboratory for conducting aerodynamic tests of equipment. This makes it possible to optimize the technical characteristics of manufactured products, as well as to develop and test new product samples.

    Information Board Venta

    Learn more about our products Venta.
    • Price list for VENTA products марки Вента
      Price list for VENTA products
    • Venta Equipment Catalog изготовителя Вента
      Venta Equipment Catalog
    • Questionnaire for ordering Vent fans изготовителя Вента
      Questionnaire for ordering Vent fans


    For sales and support please contact