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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Venta factory.

Export of Products

Export of Venta products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Venta products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Venta: radial fans, fans for smoke removal, axial fans, vibration isolators, industrial fans, heaters, heaters, air heaters, air heating units
  • Radial fans Venta
    Radial fans
    VC 4-75, VC 4-70, BP 80-70, etc.
  • Fans for smoke removal Venta
    Fans for smoke removal
    BP 80-75, VC 14-46, BP 85-66, etc.
  • Fans for electric locomotives Venta
    Fans for electric locomotives
    BPR, TED, etc.
  • Finned pipes Venta
    Finned pipes
    D 29, D 39, D 43, D 50, etc.
  • Air heaters Venta
    Air heaters
    KSk, GNP, AO2, etc.
  • Heaters  Venta
    PP1-9-0.7, PP1-17-0.7, etc.
  • Fans for nuclear power plants Venta
    Fans for nuclear power plants
    2nd grade, 3rd grade, etc.
  • Axial fans Venta
    Axial fans
    IN 12-303-5, IN 12-303-8, etc.
  • Roof fans Venta
    Roof fans
    WRC 4, WRC 5, WRC 6,3, etc.
  • Dust fans Venta
    Dust fans
    CPU 7-40-5, CPU 7-40-6,3, etc.
  • Industrial fans  Venta
    Industrial fans
    C9-55, CV-0.8-30, etc.
  • Vibration isolators and filters Venta
    Vibration isolators and filters
    UP TO 38-45 A, FY, etc.


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